Product: Acrylamide
Catalog Number: 16340
CAS Number: 79-06-1
Synonyms: Acrylic acid amide
25 g =  $290   (In Stock) Add to Cart
Formula: C3H5NO
Chemical Purity: >98%
Molecular Weight: 71.08
Structure: Acrylamide
Appearance: Solid
Category: Biochemicals and Reagents
Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.

Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Light sensitive. Store under inert gas


IATA: Hazard Class: 6.1; UN Number: UN2074; Packing Group: III; Shipping Name: Acrylamide solid

Literature References:

Merck 14,129; Beil. 2,IV,1471; Aldrich MSDS 1, 32:C / Corp MSDS 1 (1), 58:C / FT-IR 2 (1), 1257:D / FT-IR 1 (1), 749:B / FT-NMR 1 (1), 1221:A / IR-Spectra (3), 438:D / IR-Spectra (2), 388:D / NMR-Reference 2 (1), 630:C / NMR-Reference 2 (1), 630:D / RegBook 1 (1), 877:K / Sax 6, 128 / Sigma FT-IR 1 (2), 247:A / Structure Index 1, 134:D:3 / Vapor Phase 3, 778:B