Product: Conjugated Estrogens
Catalog Number: 17799
CAS Number: 12126-59-9
Synonyms: Amnestrogen; Climesterone; CO-Estro; Conest; Conesteron; Conjes; Conjutabs; Equigyne;;
Esrratab; Estrifol; Estroate; Estrocon; Estromed; Estropan; Femacoid; Femest; "FEM H";;
Formamtrix; Ganeake; Genisis; Glyestrin; Kestrin; Menest; Menogen; Menotab; Menotrol;;
Msmed; Novoconestron; Oestrilin; Oestro-feminal; "Oestropak morning"; Ovest; Palopause;;
"Par estro"; PMB; Premarin; Presomen; Promarit; SK-Estrogens; Sodestrin-H; TAG-39;;
Theogen; Transannon; Trocosone; Zeste; "conjugated estrogen"; “oestrogen/estrogen steroid"
Formula: C18H19NaO5S
Chemical Purity: 98%
Molecular Weight: 370.39
Appearance: Dark yellow to orange powder
Category: API Compounds

Store at room temperature


IATA: Hazard Class: 9; UN Number: UN3077; Packing Group: III; Shipping Name: ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SOLID, N.O.S. *(CONTAINS CONJUGATED OESTROGENS); Passenger and Cargo Passenger and Cargo: Packing Instructions: 911 Maximum Qty/Pack: 400 kg; Passenger and Cargo Limited Quantity Passenger and Cargo Limited Quantity: Packing Instructions: Y911 Maximum Qty/Pack: 30 kg G

Literature References:
Menopausal genuine stress urinary incontinence treated with conjugated estrogens plus progestogens: M. G. F. Sartori, E. C. Baracat, M. J. B. C. Girão, W. J. Gonçalves, J. P. Sartori and G. Rodrigues de Lima; Author Affliations: Discipline of Gynecology, Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil