Product: 25-Hydroxy vitamin D2
Catalog Number: 294
CAS Number: 21343-40-8
Synonyms: 25-Hydroxyergocalciferol;
25 hydroxyvitamin d2
1 mg =  $499   (In Stock) Add to Cart
10 mg =  $1,890   (In Stock) Add to Cart
Formula: C28H44O2
Molecular Weight: 412.65
Structure: 25-Hydroxy vitamin D2
Appearance: White crystalline
Category: Vitamin D2
Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Storage: Keep tightly closed and store at -20

IATA: Hazard Class: 6.1; UN Number: UN2811; Shipping Name: Toxic solid, organic, n.o.s. (25-Hydroxyvitamin D2)

Literature References:

Cross-reactivity of 25-hydroxy vitamin D2 from different commercial immunoassays for 25-hydroxy vitamin D: an evaluation without spiked samples: Cavalier E, Wallace AM, Carlisi A, Chapelle JP, Delanaye P, Souberbielle JC.  Clin Chem Lab Med. 2011 Mar;49(3):555-8. Epub 2011 Feb 3. 

Applications: A metabolite of vitamin D2. Converted in the liver. Levels are measured in serum to determine a person's vitamin D status.