Product: Metanicotine-d3
Catalog Number: D97246
CAS Number: 220088-40-4
Synonyms: (E)-N-[Methyl]-4-(3-pyridinyl)-3-buten-1-amine-d;, RJR 2403-d3; Rivanicline-d3; (E)-Metanicotine-d3
1 mg =  $450   (In Stock) Add to Cart
10 mg =  $1,600   (In Stock) Add to Cart
Formula: C10H11D3N2
Molecular Weight: 165.25
Structure: Metanicotine-d<sub>3</sub>
Appearance: Clear Colourless Oil
Category: Research Compounds
Properties: bp: 99-101°C/0.4mm Hg
Storage: Amber Vial, -20°C Freezer, Under inert atmosphere
Solubility: Chloroform, Methanol
Transportation: Not a dangerous good if item is equal too or less than 1g/ml and there is less than 100g in the package