Product: Actinomycin D
Catalog Number: 17319
CAS Number: 50-76-0
Synonyms: Actinomycin IV;
Acetinomycin C1;
5 mg =  Inquire  
50 mg =  Inquire  
Formula: C62H86N12O16
Chemical Purity: ~98%
Molecular Weight: 1255.42
Structure: Actinomycin D
Appearance: Dark red powder
Category: Anti-cancer compounds
Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.

Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Recommended storage temperature: 2-8°C


IATA: Hazard Class: 6.1; UN Number: UN3462; Packing Group: II; Shipping Name: Toxins, extracted from living sources, solid, n.o.s. (Dactinomycin)

Literature References:

Wadkins, R.M., Actinomycin D binding to single-stranded DNA: sequence specificity and hemi-intercalation model from fluorescence and 1H NMR spectroscopy. J. Mol. Biol. 262, 53, (1996); Hu, B., et al., Kasabach-Merritt syndrome-associated kaposiform hemangioendothelioma successfully treated with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and actinimycin D. J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 20, 567, (1998); Glynn, J.M., et al., Apoptosis induced by Actinomycin D, Camptothecin or Aphidicolin can occur in all phases of the cell cycle. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 20, 84S, (1992); Cohen, S.M., et al., Identification of chromosomal bands replicating early in the S phase of normal human fibroblasts. Exp. Cell Res. 254, 321, (1998); Verma, R.S., Babu, A. Manual of Basic Techniques New York, NY , (1989); Chen, H., et al., DNA bending and unwinding associated with actinomycin D antibiotics bound to partially overlapping sites on DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 258, 457, (1996); Merck 14,2800; Beil. 27,IV,9642; Aldrich MSDS 1, 34:A / Corp MSDS 1 (1), 62:B / RegBook 1 (2), 2651:C / Sax 6, 134 / Sigma FT-IR 1 (1), 610:D / Structure Index 1, 417:B:6


An antineoplastic antibiotic that inhibits cell proliferation by forming a stable complex with DNA and blocking the movement of RNA polymerase which interferes with DNA-dependent RNA synthesis. Induces apoptosis. Potent antitumor agent. For cell culture applications, actinomycin D is used as a selection agent and is used in banding techniques to differentiate between different regions of chromosomes