Product: Procaine Penicillin G
Catalog Number: 17856
CAS Number: 54-35-3
Synonyms: Retardillin; Kabipenin; Distaquaine; Neoproc; Afsillin; Lentopen; Eskacillin; Vetspen;
Hostacillin; Avloprocil; Mylipen; Procaine G Penicillin
Formula: C29H38N4O6S • H2O
Molecular Weight: 588.72
Structure: Procaine Penicillin G
Appearance: White, monoclinic, hemimorphic crystalline powder
Category: Antibiotics
Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.

Glass, polyethylene or polypropylene container. Check all containers are clearly labeled and free from leaks. Keep containers securely sealed


Non-hazardous for transport

Literature References:

Schwartz, M.A. 1965. J Pharm Sci. 54: 472-473; Demain, A.L. 1991. Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China B. 15: 251-265; Werdehausen, R., et al. 2009. Br J Anaesth. 103: 711-718; Livermore, D.M. 2009. Curr. Protein Pept. Sci. 10: 397-400; Gao, Z., et al. 2009. Oncol. Rep. 22: 1479-1484; Endo, M. 2009. Physiol. Rev. 89: 1153-1176; Wang, H., et al. 2010. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 630: 29-33; Gal, R. and Libersat, F. 2010. PLoS ONE. 5: e10019


Penicillin G procaine is a combination of Penicillin G and Procaine. Penicillin G is a hydrophobic, β-lactam antibiotic produced by Penicillium spp.. As an antibiotic, Penicillin G is noted to posses effectiveness mainly against gram-positive organisms. Some gram-negative organisms such as Neiserria gonorrhoeae and Neiserria meningitidis are also reported to be susceptible to Penicillin G. Penicillin G is also known as benzylpenicillin and contains a 6’ phenylacetyl side chain. In acid aqueous solutions, Penicillin is reported to decompose into penillic acid and penilloic acid. Procaine is a noted sodium channel blocker with a variety of inhibitory effects. In skeletal muscle, Procaine has been reported to inhibit calcium-induced calcium release (CICR). Procaine is also noted to act as a DNA methylation inhibitor and to cause demethylation and reactivation of methylation-silenced genes such as RARβ and GSTP1. WIF-1 is noted to be reactivated in a cancer cell line and to downregulate the Wnt canonical pathway. In studies utilizing a neuroblastoma cell line (SHEP), Procaine is reported to induce neuronal apoptosis in a manner correlated with lipid solubility of the compound. In an adult mouse muscle cell line (HEK293), the presence of Procaine is reported to potently inhibit nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.