Product: Hydrocortisone
Catalog Number: 17891
CAS Number: 50-23-7
Synonyms: Cortisol
1 g =  $90   (In Stock) Add to Cart
Formula: C21H30O5
Chemical Purity: 98% (HPLC)
Molecular Weight: 362.46
Structure: Hydrocortisone
Category: Unlabeled Steroids and Hormones
Literature References:

Sprung, Charles L., et al. Hydrocortisone therapy for patients with septic shock. New England Journal of Medicine, 2008, 358(2): 111.; Leibovich, S.J., Ross, R., The role of the macrophage in wound repair. A study with hydrocortisone and antimacrophage serum. Am J Pathol,. 1975, 78(1): 71–100.

Applications: A medication used to treat people who lack the ability to produce cortisol naturally.