Product: Iron(II) Fumarate
Catalog Number: 96152
CAS Number: 141-01-5
Synonyms: (2E)-2-Butenedioic Acid Iron(2+) Salt; Fumaric Acid Iron(2+) Salt (1:1);Iron Fumarate (Fe(O4C4H2)); Cpiron; Erco-Fer; Ercoferrol; Feostat; Fepstat; Feroton; Ferrofume; Ferronat; Ferrone; Ferrotemp; Ferrous Fumarate; Ferrum; Fersamal;FironFresamal; Fumacure; Fumafer; Fumar F; Fumiron; Galfer; Heferol; Hemoton; Ircon; Iron Fumarate; Iron Fumarate (Fe(C4H2O4)); Iron(II) Fumarate; Meterfer; One-Iron; Orgasal; Palafer; Toleron; Tolferain; Tolifer
1 g =  $345   (In Stock) Add to Cart
5 g =  $355   (In Stock) Add to Cart
Formula: C4H2FeO4
Molecular Weight: 169.9
Structure: Iron(II) Fumarate
Appearance: Dark Red Solid
Category: Pharmaceuticals
Properties: mp: >300°C
Storage: Refrigerator