Product: Guanyl Urea-15N4
Catalog Number: N26000
CAS Number: 1185070-88-5
Synonyms: N-(Aminoiminomethyl)urea-15N4;
Amidinourea-15N4 Sulfate;
Carbamylguanidine-15N4 Sulfate;
Dicyanodiamidine-15N4 Sulfate;
Diuretamidine-15N4 Sulfate
1 mg =  $490   Add to Cart
Formula: C2H615N4O
Enrichment: 15N0= 0.10%, 15N1= 0.03%, 15N2= 0.10%, 15N3= 3.76%, 15N4= 96.03%
Molecular Weight: 106.07
Structure: Guanyl Urea-<sup>15</sup>N<sub>4</sub>
Category: Chemical Amines
Literature References:

Ray, P., Complex Compounds of Biguanides and Guanylureas with Metallic Elements. Chem. Rev.,1961, 61(4):313-359.

Applications: Labeled guanyl urea. Used to detect and determine Ni and its separation from Co and other metals.